Interim Reports

Accredited schools and programs are required to submit an interim report when the Council finds noncompliance with one or more accreditation criteria. The Council always defines a specific scope and due date for each interim report.

Your interim report should follow the template linked below. You may also have attachments that correspond to your response. A sample is provided below.

Interim Report Template

Interim Report Sample


  • Do use the template provided
  • Do consult the sample
  • Do focus your report on specific facts and actions taken. Your response should indicate who took the action and when (specific dates for decisions and implementations)
  • Do ensure that you provide all of the information the Council needs to verify compliance
  • Do answer each component of the interim report request
  • Do contact CEPH staff ([email protected]) for guidance, if needed


  • Don’t redo one or more sections of your self-study. The interim report should be structured to answer the Council’s specific requests as outlined in your accreditation decision letter, not to answer self-study documentation requests
  • Don’t respond directly to narrative in the accreditation report. While the report provides important information on the rationale for findings, the letter transmitting the accreditation decision and requesting the interim report should provide the basis for and focus the response
  • Don’t weigh your submission down with extraneous or very lengthy appendices
  • Don’t address topics outside the scope of the Council’s request. If you have two interim reports due in different seasons (e.g., one in spring 2024 and one in summer 2024), confine each report to the items requested for that report
  • Don’t include information on substantive changes in an interim report. CEPH has prepared information about notices of substantive change, which provides additional guidance. Substantive changes must be submitted as a separate document, though they may be submitted for consideration at the same meeting as your interim report, if appropriate

Interim reports are typically due within one year from the time the decision is made that gave rise to the concern. The Council expects that schools and programs will be able to demonstrate full compliance (and document the compliance adequately) in the interim report.

If the school or program does not demonstrate compliance in the report, or if the report does not provide sufficient information to allow the council to verify compliance, the Council may require one or more of the following:

  • Additional written reporting (another interim report)
  • Submission of a focused self-study document and conduct of a site visit that addresses any outstanding compliance issues
  • Probationary accreditation

If the school or program is unable to demonstrate full compliance and document the compliance adequately at this second opportunity, the Council is required by federal regulations that govern recognized accrediting agencies to revoke accreditation*.

*In exceptional circumstances, the Council may extend the time by one additional year if it finds good cause. The US Department of Education requires that such extensions be used sparingly, if at all. (34 CFR §602.20 (b))