List of Applicants

Below is a current list of applicants for CEPH accreditation. The list is updated following decision-making meetings; however, information about a school or program already on the list may be updated more frequently. If you do not see a school or program on this list, it is not currently an applicant for accreditation.

Please note: CEPH procedures allow for a school or program to withdraw from the accreditation process at any time and for any reason, so appearance on this list in NO WAY guarantees that the school or program will become accredited, it simply confirms that it is in the process at the present time. CEPH staff cannot provide information on the likelihood that any given school or program will be granted accreditation. If you have further questions, please see the Frequently Asked Questions for students.

Applicant schools and programs are presented in alphabetical order. 

Category Date Application Accepted Site Visit* Anticipated Decision^ Notes
Appalachian State University PHP 10/4/2024 NYS Application to accredit the BS in public health (place-based) and MPH in applied health focused on rural resilience and sustainability (distance-based) (transition from accredited SBP)
Augusta University SPH 3/1/2024 NYS Application to accredit the school of public health (transition from accredited PHP)
Austin Peay State University PHP 8/3/2023 3/30/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH
Azusa Pacific University PHP 2/17/2022 10/17/2024 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the MPH in health equity
Bob Jones University PHP 7/29/2024 NYS Application to accredit the BSPH and MPH in community health and the BS/MPH joint degree
California State University, Sacramento PHP 1/9/2023 9/25/25 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the MPH in health promotion, policy, and leadership
Clemson University PHP 2/6/2024 NYS Application to accredit the BS with concentrations in pre-professional health studies; health promotion and behavior; and health services and administration (place-based) & the MPH with concentrations in rural and community health; and outcomes and quality improvement (distance-based)
(transition from accredited SBP)
College of Charleston SBP 4/7/2023 9/11/2025 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist BSPH, BA in public health: maternal and child health; and BA in public health: global health
Columbus State University PHP 2/6/2024 NYS Application to accredit the MPH in maternal and child health (distance-based)
Concordia University, Irvine PHP 9/9/2022 12/09/2024 6/11/2025 Application to accredit the MPH in community health education
Elmhurst University PHP 7/26/2022 NYS Application to accredit the MPH degree in public health leadership and innovation; extension granted in 2024
Fairfield University PHP 10/6/2022 01/30/25 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the generalist BSPH and MPH degrees (transition from accredited SBP)
Fairleigh Dickinson University PHP 6/7/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH (distance-based) and the joint MPH/PharmD & MPH/MPA degrees
George Mason University SPH 5/11/2022 12/04/2024 6/11/2025 Application to accredit the school of public health (transition from accredited PHP)
Grand Canyon University PHP 8/3/2023 5/11/26 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH
Hood College SBP 1/5/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist BA degree
Howard University PHP 4/8/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH and MPH/MSW degrees
Illinois State University PHP 2/10/2023 4/10/2025 9/5/2025 Application to accredit the BS in public health and the generalist MPH (transition from accredited SBP)
Johnson & Wales University PHP 1/15/2025 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH andBS/MPH joint degree (BS degrees in public health; health science; healthcare administration; biology; psychology; and data analytics)
King Faisal University SBP 4/8/2022 10/21/2024 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the BS in public health
Mississippi University for Women PHP 4/7/2023 NYS Application to accredit the MPH in health education; extension granted in 2025
Oakwood University PHP 1/9/2023 NYS Application to accredit the MPH in nutrition and wellness; extension granted in 2023
Old Dominion University & Norfolk State University SPH 1/9/2023 11/10/25 TBD 2026 Application to accredit a multi-partner school of public health (includes transition of currently accredited PHP at Old Dominion University)
Qatar University PHP 1/5/2024 11/9/2026 TBD 2027 Application to accredit the MPH with concentrations in epidemiology and health promotion & the BS with concentrations in health education and health management
Rollins College PHP 11/12/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH
Rowan University SBP 4/9/2021 9/23/24 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the BS in public health and wellness; extension granted in 2023
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine PHP 2/17/2022 9/25/2025 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH; extension granted in 2024
Slippery Rock University PHP 2/24/2021 9/13/2024 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the MPH with concentrations in 1)
health promotion and wellness & 2) environmental and occupational health; extension granted in 2023
South University PHP 11/3/2022 4/3/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH (distance-based); extension granted in 2024
St. Luke's International University PHP 7/29/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH
Trinity Washington University PHP 10/4/2024 NYS Application to accredit the MPH in community health (distance-based)
Union Adventist University PHP 10/4/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH (place-based) as well as the following joint degrees: IRR/MPH (international rescue and relief); MPAS/MPH (Master of Physician Assistant Studies); and BS/MPH (BS in biomedical sciences)
University of Bridgeport/Goodwin University PHP 1/15/2025 NYS Application to accredit the MPH (distance-based) with concentrations in 1) global health, 2) community health, and 3) health policy and management
University of Central Oklahoma PHP 4/7/2023 1/22/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the BSPH, MPH in community engagement, and BS/MPH
University of Chicago PHP 9/9/2022 1/20/2025 3/28/2025 Applicant to accredit the MPH with concentrations in 1) epidemiology, 2) health policy, 3) data science, and 4) community health education, 5) community health promotion and the MD/MPH
University of Delaware PHP 4/8/2022 9/19/2024 3/28/2025 Application to accredit the MPH with concentrations in 1) epidemiology and 2) health policy and management
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor PHP 9/5/2023 4/23/26 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the MPH in health promotion and the joint BSPH/MPH degree.
University of Mississippi PHP 9/6/2024 NYS Application to accredit the BS with concentrations in community health and health science; the MPH with concentrations in community health and epidemiology; and the joint MPH/PharmD and BS/MPH degrees
UNC Charlotte SPH 9/5/2023 2/18/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit school of public health (transition from accredited PHP).
University of Puget Sound PHP 4/7/2023 9/15/2025 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH
University of Tampa SBP 9/5/2023 4/13/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the BS in public health with a concentration in health promotion and practice.
University of Texas at Austin SBP 5/18/2023 10/16/25 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the BS in public health
University of Texas at Tyler PHP 7/29/2024 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire PHP 1/15/2025 NYS Application to accredit the generalist MPH (distance-based) & BS/MPH and BA/MPH joint degrees
University of Wisconsin, La Crosse PHP 4/8/2024 NYS Application to accredit the MPH in community health education (distance-based) and the BS in community health education (place-based)
(transition from accredited SBP)
Utah State University - CAAS PHP 7/26/2022 1/27/25 6/11/2025 Application to accredit the MPH with concentrations in 1) in public health nutrition and 2) veterinary public health
Virginia Commonwealth University SPH 3/1/2024 NYS Application to accredit the school of public health (transition from accredited PHP)
Washington University in St. Louis SPH 10/4/2024 NYS Application to accredit the school of public health (transition from accredited PHP)
Weber State University SBP 11/27/2023 6/2/2026 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the general public health BSPH.
West Coast University PHP 9/9/2022 1/12/26 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the generalist MPH (distance-based); extension granted 2024
William Paterson University PHP 2/10/2023 11/3/2025 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the BS in public health promotion and the generalist MPH (transition from accredited SBP)
Wingate University PHP 6/9/2023 1/15/26 TBD 2026 Application to accredit the MPH in health education and promotion (distance-based), and joint BSPH/MPH and MPH/PharmD degrees

Key: SPH=School of Public Health PHP=Public Health Program SBP=Standalone Baccalaureate Program NYS=Not yet scheduled

*Site visit dates indicate either the first day of a two-day visit for programs or a three-day visit for schools. 

^Please note that we cannot determine the anticipated date of decision until the site visit has been scheduled. Actual dates of decision-making meetings are set one year in advance.