Considering Accreditation

The eligibility requirements are oulined in section five of CEPH's Procedures Manual. Contact [email protected] with any questions related to eligibility and a staff member will get back to you shortly.

The fee for accreditation review and all other fees are outlined in the CEPH fee schedule.

After accreditation, accredited schools and programs pay an annual support fee each year, including years in which there is an accreditation review. The fee schedule also outlines the fees for other services including consultation visits, which are required for all applicant schools and programs.  For further details on making payments, click here or email [email protected]

Follow this Checklist for Prospective Applicants to see a detailed overview of the steps toward submitting your IAS.

IAS Fast Facts for SBPs

IAS Fast Facts for PHPs

If you have not already done so, contactKristen Varol (the CEPH staff contact for units considering accreditation)! We can often help you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.

Participation in a P-AOW is required for all schools and programs planning to pursue an initial application submission (IAS). The P-AOW focuses on key components and requirements of CEPH accreditation, including information on preparing a successful IAS. The P-AOW requires three steps.

Click here to learn more

The review process for first-time accreditation is approximately three years from the date of acceptance of the IAS to the date of the Council’s official decision. See CEPH's FAQ document on time to accreditation for more information.