The self-study and accreditation report search page is designed for accredited and applicant units to find and use completed self-study documents and final accreditation reports as a tool in preparing for their own site visits as well as to gather ideas about how peers approach similar challenges.
This search is provided as a benefit to those schools and programs that are accredited or have had an IAS accepted by the Council. Only accredited and applicant units are granted access to the search. Inclusion in this search does not supplant the school or program's responsibility to provide these documents directly to the public on the university website or directly to those who request them. It is intended to make your access easier and to encourage peer-to-peer sharing of best practices and lessons learned.
Log in using your personal CEPH account information (e.g., the same login used for the annual reporting system). If you do not already have an account, please click below to create one. A CEPH staff member will review your university information, confirm accredited/applicant status, and approve your account. Once approved, you will have full access to the search. This login information is unique to you and should not be shared with others.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Create a new accountReport search (requires log in)*Email and password are case sensitive.