The "request for third-party comments" is a process that invites a school or program’s constituents to submit feedback directly to CEPH before an accreditation review. The requirement to have, and document, a third-party comment period is expressed in federal regulations that govern accreditors.
Anyone who feels that they have relevant information may submit a third-party comment, including individuals who are also participating in the site visit and self-study, if they feel they have something additional to add. Students, alumni, faculty, staff, community partners, and members of the general public are all constituents who may make a third-party comment.
Prior to submission of the preliminary self-study.
You must include evidence that your school or program has solicited third-party comments as part of the ERF submitted with the preliminary self-study document.
In order to avoid last-minute scrambles, we recommend timing the announcement for two to three weeks before your preliminary self-study due date.
When submitting the preliminary self-study via USB drive, include a folder that documents your efforts to solicit third-party comments from a variety of constituents.
Think about how you can act, in good faith, to reach the types of constituents mentioned above, and send copies of those methods of communication and outreach. Documentation might include a screenshot of webpage(s) with the announcement, copies of email messages sent to a listserv, social media posts, etc.
The School/Program of Public Health at ABC University is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for [re-]accreditation. Part of this process includes the provision of a third-party comment period, which allows anyone, including students, alumni, faculty, staff, community and practice partners, and members of the public, to share relevant information about the [school/program] directly with CEPH.
If you have any information about the [school/program] you would like to share with CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to [email protected] by [due date is one month before the site visit].
Schools and programs may include additional information in the request for comments if desired.
No. CEPH encourages schools and programs to solicit as much feedback as possible and to involve constituents as much as possible at various points in the self-study process. The third-party comment process, however, is a broader, more general call for comment. It is different from other types of feedback you will seek because 1) respondents’ comments may be sent directly to CEPH, whereas other types of feedback should go to your self-study team so that you can consider them and 2) it does not require reference to the self-study document. It may be a more general comment about the program or school’s operations, quality, etc.
All third-party comments should be sent directly to CEPH via [email protected].
Comments from third-parties will be accepted by CEPH until 30 days before the scheduled site visit.