Monitoring Reports

Monitoring reports allow the Council to ensure ongoing or sustained compliance with specific criteria. The Council always defines a specific scope and due date for each monitoring report.

Your monitoring report should follow the template linked below. You may also have attachments that correspond to your response. A sample is provided below.

Monitoring Report Template

Monitoring Report Sample


  • Do use the template provided
  • Do consult the sample
  • Do focus your report on specific facts and actions taken. Your response should indicate who took the action and when (specific dates for decisions and implementations)
  • Do ensure that you provide all of the information the Council needs to confirm ongoing compliance
  • Do answer each component of the monitoring report request, if applicable
  • Do contact CEPH staff (your assigned staff liaison or [email protected]) for guidance, if needed


  • Don’t redo one or more sections of your self-study, previous interim report, or previous monitoring report. The monitoring report should be structured to answer the Council’s specific requests as outlined in your accreditation decision letter, not to answer self-study documentation requests
  • Don’t weigh your submission down with extraneous or very lengthy appendices
  • Don’t address topics outside the scope of the Council’s request
  • Don’t include information on substantive changes in a monitoring report. CEPH has prepared information about notices of substantive change, which provides additional guidance. Substantive changes must be submitted as a separate document, though they may be submitted for consideration at the same meeting as your monitoring report, if appropriate

Monitoring reports are typically required at six-month or one-year intervals until the Council determines that there is no further need for monitoring to ensure ongoing compliance.

The Council will take one of the following actions for each monitoring report element:

  • Accept with no further action required
  • Accept and require an additional monitoring report
  • Defer the decision if more information is required to make a decision
  • Reject and require an interim report
  • Reject and require a focused or full self-study and/or site visit
  • Reject and confer probationary accreditation
  • Reject and revoke the unit’s accreditation

Additional information about monitoring reports is provided in the Procedures