Western Connecticut State University

WCSU Primary Shield

The competency-based curriculum of the Health Promotion Studies BS degree program at Western Connecticut State University prepares students for careers and continued studies in community health education and outreach, clinical settings, worksite health promotion, public health, wellness coaching, sports and fitness, and allied health professions.

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The core of the program is a unique group process and includes a multi-semester, experiential learning component allowing students to work together to plan, develop, market, implement and evaluate a health promotion program. Students choose elective courses to expand their knowledge base, identify career choices, and enhance their understanding of diversity. The program’s capstone experience is a 450-hour internship which deepens experiential learning and provides selective placement in local, state, national, or international organizations. The internship is an opportunity for students to showcase their learning while continuing the learning process by independently creating innovative programs applying what they have learned in the real world.

Website: http://www.wcsu.edu/HPX/